My new video card

So, I decided to upgrade my video card. My old card was fine, but this card had VIVO and I thought I would be able to use it to do some neat things.

The new card is an ATI X800 GTO VIVO built by Sapphire. It is in AGP form and has the R420 chipset. The card is fast, much faster than my previous nvidia Geforce 5900se. I can now play Call of Duty 2 in DirectX9 mode instead of having to bump it down to DX7 to get playable frame rates.

The main concern of mine was how this would affect my Linux experience. Seeing as how I'm dual-booting Windows and Ubuntu, I was hoping this card wouldn't cause a problem. Much to my surprise, the card is supported now in Linux very well. ATI has come a long ways in the last several years. It was no trouble at all to get the card up and running with OpenGL support.

All in all, the upgrade was quite worth it. Even though my processor is quite behind my video card, it still works fine. I was afraid that the CPU would be to much of a lackluster and not allow me to get the full use of the new video card. Turns out this is not the case because I'm able to perform frame rates of what the card is supposed to be able to perform.


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