BIOS Issues - No need to Fear

I received a motherboard and CPU that were having issues. The CPU was a Athlon 2600+ and the motherboard was an ASUS A7V600. Something was wrong with one of these two devices but it was unknown to me which, but my guess was at the motherboard, specifically the BIOS.

I did some reading and found many articles on this motherboard. I was trying to find ways of trying to flash the BIOS without getting a full boot. After many hours of reading through dreadful amounts of forums I came across someone that said to remove the video card and boot with only a floppy attached. This would then force the motherboard into the most basic of programming and have it boot from the floppy looking for a BIOS to use and update. (This is only with the ASUS A7V600 to my knowledge)

I did all the necessary stuff and the floppy started to run, I was so pumped. I waited several minutes until it was done. Let it go a while after that then I shut it down and placed the video card into the slot and started it up. Unfortunately, there was no improvement. I was still at the same spot except that now I was almost positive the issue was the BIOS. The computer worked but just didn't start up. At this point I looked into having the BIOS replaced and quickly came across

I sent my chip into them to have them reprogram it. Unfortunately it got lost in the mail or something so they then had to provide me with the chip. (this costs extra) In a short time I received the new BIOS chip. I put it into the motherboard and it worked like a charm. The computer was booting with out a problem.

So, if you have a BIOS issue and need it re-flashed then look no further than

Sites that helped me get to the bottom of my issue:
Badflash Bad Flash
Problem with A7V600-X
Bad Bios Flash or?
Bios Central - Award BIOS Post Codes
Bad Bios Flash or?
A7V Troubleshooting
Agent Smith's Article #1
A7V Troubleshooting Board - help flashed bios and a7v wont boot !!


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